The Originator - Mas Man

Trinidadians refer to Peter Minshall as the ‘Mas Man.’ Peter Minshall has won several awards such as the Guggenheim Fellowship (1982) and an Emmy award for outstanding costumes for a variety of Music programs (2002). His work has tackled issues on things such as HIV/AIDS awareness, and his designs have been seen on the international stage during the 1992 Barcelona and 1996 Atlanta summer Olympics, and 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics opening ceremony.

A distinguishing characteristic of his work is based on “Mas” as a “dancing mobile” a live puppet show. He believes the costumes that people wear comprise a form of street theatre – hence the title of one of his most favourite works of art is “Tan Tan and Saga Boy.” Minshall is known for focusing on social and philosophical issues which he uses his Mas to portray these ideas.

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